We Demand Better Pay For Artists

Grimalkin posting UMAW's info about SXSW

It is completely unacceptable that a festival/company that makes millions pays $100 to solo artists when Grimalkin was able to do the same last year at our fest and we only had an annual budget last year of about 30k. With that tiny budget, we also paid out over $10k last year to people in our community from our work and fundraising. Yes of course our fest's scope and reach is nothing compared to SXSW which is why the fact that we paid the same as they do to artists at our fest makes this even more egregious.

We also rented a place for out of town artists to sleep and provided some food. We wanted to do more, and when we are able to at our future fests, we will, but how can SXSW even remotely justify what they do.

Support us. We are actually doing work that support artists and is and can and will make a difference in creating alternate structures of support for artists outside of the evil capitalist music exploitative biz we have right now. Sign UMAW's demands for fair pay at SXSW here.


Listening Party & Chat with Kevin Stebner of Cold Water


Truck Stop Gallery Art Show & Grimalkin Fundraiser on February 11