Neuromonics (remastered) by Spartan Jet-Plex


I put out 3 EPs (Temporal Memory, Amygdala Sky and Casual Cortex) in January 2017. All the songs were written after the election here in 2016 and I feel like they are collectively a turning point in my music in terms of meshing experimental and pop and folk together. On Bandcamp, the 3 EPs feature protest chants from a J20 protest rally I attended. They sort of broke up the flow of the songs though and so when I distributed them through CD Baby on all platforms, I released them as one album. They are really meant to be grouped together as a trilogy and named them collectively, Neuromonics. I did not release them on my Bandcamp as one album though. They are still there are 3 EPs separately and with the protest chants. I've recently remastered them as one album on my Bandcamp and as subscriber only on Grimalkin's Bandcamp. Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy it!

-Nancy Grim

remastered in 2020


released April 8, 2020

Proceeds from my music supports Grimalkin's artist and mutual aid collective fund. This helps us pay artists for artwork, posters, playing shows, transportation to/from gigs, and other basic needs. We appreciate any support we can get and please consider becoming a Bandcamp subscriber to my account or on Griamlkin! We also have a Patreon.

Thanks so much to Taylor Ruckle at the All Scene Eye for this interview with me about my music:

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